App of The Week… iHeartRadio

App of the Week…

iHeartRadio – Internet Radio

Do you love listening to music?  Do you have a favorite artist but don’t get to listen to enough of their music?  Do you have a favorite radio station but you’re not always near an actual radio as often as you like?  IHeartRadio has the answer to all this and more!

IHeartRadio is an app that lets you stream all your favorite radio stations straight to the palm of your hand.  Did you just move to a new city and miss your radio station back home?  Did you visit a new city & fall in love with the local station?  IHeartRadio can keep you connected to thousands of radio stations covering hip-hop, R&B, rock, talk, pop, country, news, sports, comedy and more.

Do you have a favorite artist or genre but not a favorite station?  That’s OK too; you can create your very own station!  With 18 million songs from more than 450,000 artists I’m sure you will find something you like.

Don’t stop listening to the radio or music in general just because you “don’t have time”… download IHeartRadio, take music with you everywhere & start dancing through life today!

Call 800-500-0066 or visit for all of your wireless needs.  Whether you’re looking for a smart phone or something basic, we have what you need and we have representatives who are happy to assist you.

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